Welcome Student Athletes and Families!
We look forward to continuing the winning tradition that has been an integral part of Wunderlich Intermediate School over the years. Our success in athletics, or in the classroom, does not happen without the support of our families and fans.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!
The Wunderlich coaching staff
- Grades
- Conduct
- Practice/Pick Up Times
- Game Days
- Communication
- Hygiene
- Fees
- Required Forms
- Back to School Letter
Help us keep your student-athlete eligible. Of the students that normally fail, it is generally because they have received low grades for not turning in homework, and/or daily class work, not from poor test scores. If a grade below 70% appears on the report card, or specified progress reports, the student will be ineligible for a minimum of 3 weeks, no exceptions!
In addition to good grades, for our student-athletes, conduct is another expectation for all athletes! Please note that improper conduct on campus, or athletic events, may result in disciplinary action. Our athletes will not steal from each other, or fight. If this happens, it is cause for automatic suspension, and/or removal, from the team. Other violations will result in possible disciplinary action which could be removal or suspension from the team/sport, missed playing time in a game(s), or removal from Wunderlich Athletics.
******Please be aware: Should an athlete quit a sport, he may not be eligible to participate in the upcoming sports for the school year!******
Practice/Pick Up Times
Please be advised that athletes must practice daily or bring a written note the next day. Please note, game playing time may be reduced for missed practices. We will practice every day. Should we have inclement weather, we will move football practice indoors.
- 8th Grade practices will be at 4:35 - 6:00 P.M.
- 7th Grade practices will be at 4:35 - 6:00 P.M.
Please pick up student-athletes on time, as we are making sure there is a coach present to monitor for their safety.
(6th Grade Commons drop-off area)
Game Days
We will play an 8-game football schedule. You may locate game sites, and directions to the stadiums through the Rank One website, or the Wunderlich campus website athletics link.
Being on time for practice is essential, the same goes for picking your athlete up after games, for their safety. This will insure that there is a coach on campus to monitor the pick-up area.
We will also be using the messaging system for communication. Please sign up with the appropriate grade-level football code.
Each athlete will be required to purchase an athletic uniform and the locker facility fee. Please pay fees via the School Cash Online website: (please print out a receipt OR take a picture on your smartphone and show the coach)
- PE shorts: $10, OR student may use previous years PE shorts
- PE Shirt: $10 (This will also be the student-athlete’s off-season shirt)
- Locker Facility Fee: No fee, unless you lose the lock. To purchase a new lock it is $4 (no personal locks allowed).
- Athletic Fee: $30 (participation fee)
Required Forms
Parents will need to log onto to fill out the “Medical History” form. Also please make sure that you have filled out the 4 online forms.
Back to School Letter
Dear parents/guardians,
On behalf of the coaching staff, we would like to welcome all of our athletes back to school! We hope that you and your family had a terrific summer break. Like the beginning of school, football season has begun as well. We are looking forward to continuing the winning tradition that has been an integral part of Wunderlich Intermediate School over the years. Our success in athletics, or in the classroom, does not happen without the support of our families and fans. We would like to take this opportunity to pass along some important information regarding the upcoming athletic season.
GRADES: Help us keep your student-athlete eligible. Of the students that normally fail, it is generally because they have received low grades for not turning in homework, and/or daily class work, not from poor test scores. If a grade below 70% appears on the report card, or specified progress reports, the student will be ineligible for a minimum of 3 weeks, no exceptions!
CONDUCT: In addition to good grades, for our student-athletes, conduct is another expectation for all athletes! Please note that improper conduct on campus, or athletic events, may result in disciplinary action. Our athletes will not steal from each other, or fight. If this happens, it is cause for automatic suspension, and/or removal, from the team. Other violations will result in possible disciplinary action which could be removal or suspension from the team/sport, missed playing time in a game(s), or removal from Wunderlich Athletics.
******Please be aware: Should an athlete quit a sport, he may not be eligible to participate in the upcoming sports for the school year!******
PRACTICE/PICK UP TIMES: Please be advised that athletes must practice daily or bring a written note the next day. Please note, game playing time may be reduced for missed practices. Should we have inclement weather, we will move football practice indoors.
**8th Grade practices will be at 4:35 - 6:00 P.M.
***7th Grade practices will be at 4:35 - 6:00 P.M.
Please pick up student-athletes on time, as we are making sure there is a coach present to monitor for their safety. (6th Grade Commons drop-off area)
GAME-DAYS: We will play an 8-game football schedule. Attached, you will find a complete schedule of the football games. You may locate game sites, and directions to the stadiums through the Rank One website, or the Wunderlich campus website athletics link. Click here for the Wunderlich Athletics Schedules Page
We will also be using the SportsYOU messaging system for communication. Please sign up with the appropriate grade-level football code.
Being on time for practice is essential, the same goes for picking your athlete up after games, for their safety. This will insure that there is a coach on campus to monitor the pick-up area.
HYGIENE: Keeping athletic clothes clean is an important priority for the athletes’ health. Your child should be bringing their shorts, shirts, and football pants home at least once a week to be washed. 7th grade should bring their clothes home, on Fridays, and the 8th grade on Mondays, at a minimum.
UPCOMING FEES: In the upcoming weeks, each athlete will be required to purchase an athletic uniform and the locker facility fee. Please pay fees via the School Cash Online website: (please print out a receipt OR take a picture on your smartphone and show the coach)
*PE shorts: $10, OR student may use previous years PE shorts
*PE shirt: $10 (This will also be the student-athlete’s off-season shirt)
*Locker Facility Fee: $4 if lose first lock provided (cannot use a personal lock)
*Athletic Fee: $30 (participation fee)
Once again, thank you for your cooperation and support,
The Wunderlich coaching staff
Parents will need to log onto to fill out the “Medical History” form. Also please make sure that you have filled out the 4 online forms.